Berger de Brie Briard puppies looking for lovely family. They are very nice pedigree, passport. Infó: Mátragyöngye kennel ín Hungary price 1200 euró
Briard kölykök eladók Magyarországon a Mátragyöngye kennelben. Értékes törzskönyv, útlevél van. ...
An apartment house that can be rented out in winter and summer is looking for a new owner. Every detail of the apartment house, renovated from the ground up, shows the careful hand and the love for its hospitality.
min 20 000 box - 100 000 box weekly
instock Bucarest,Arad +200 km ig Hungary English Hungary
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I'M LOOKING FOR AN INDEPENDENT SINGLE GIRL WHO'D BE MY LODGEROOMMATE. I'm looking for a girl who doesn't have children or pets. From the age of 18 to 54 Years, I'm looking for a pretty skinny girl who has nowhere to live or expensive rent. I'm a 22-year-old boy, and I'm actually looking for my partner. I BELIEVE IN PERSONAL ENCOUNTERS. I...
Összkomfortos, bútorozott 90 nm-es téglából épült, sátortetős családi ház, 2 parkettás szobával, gázfűtéssel vagy vegyes tüzeléssel, amerikai konyhával, fürdőszobával, toalettel, kamrával, előterasszal, hátsó kerttel 1700 nm-es telken eladó. A ház Magyarcsanádon a nagylaki határátkelőtől 5 percre csendes,...
We are a recruiting agency looking for English teachers with immediate placement in the following major southern Chinese cities: Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong. The ideal candidate has a college or university degree, and the ability of speaking English on a higher level. An open minded person is favorable and can adapt to the cultural...
Would you like to work for a well-functioning foreig model agency? We want to work with you if you are young and beautiful and extreme.
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