Siberian husky puppy female available for sale. For shows, breeding, sport or home, with excellent pedigree and quality, 5 months old. Both parents are champions, pictures of them are also in the add.
They are brought up in the heart of our family home. They are well socialised with adults, children and other dogs.
Before going to their new homes the puppies will be vet checked, had their first vaccination and will be microchipped.
Contact phone: +38162526532
2 months old.
He is ready for new home.
Vaccinated, microchipped, with FCI pedigree.
We have also new litter available for reservation.
Any questions feel free to get in contact.
Phone: +381665010134
Father: Afisa
Mother: Tessa
Both parents from kennel Custodi Nos in our home.
From champion blood lines.
Fantastic examples of the quality of the breed.
Up to date with vaccinations, worm and flea treatments.
Phone number: +381621964965 (Viber, WhatsApp)
E-mail: aleksandar.preradović
Elado irodai Pc , tokeletesen mukodik. Aktivalt Microsoft Office-al es Aktivalt Windows 8.1 operacios rendszerrel. A termek utolso ara 300 lej. Szemelyesen Nagykarolyban atveheto...
Kiado 47 nm-es butorozott és mindennel felszerelt 2 szobás lakás a Marasti negyedben, a Cosasilor uton, 2 nem dohanyzo lany, esetleg 1 par szamara. Hoszigetelt tombhazban talalhato, fem ajtoval, termopan ablakokkal es sajat hokozponttal. A koltsegek nagyon kicsik. Saját parkoloval.
Born 29.12.2018, miniature height.Father is 35cm tall, mother 31cm.Puppies are PLL: CLEAR, with FCI pedigree.Fathers are young and mature champions.Raised in our family home with children.
For sale Caucasian Shepherd female , 2 years old.
She has good anatomy and character.
Father: Kolos iz petra velikog
Mother: Platinum Dust Un Passo Avanti
Please call or texts for more information.
Phone number: +38163442823
Puppies are very confident & are very loving!
They are vet checked, warmed and flead and also micro chipped.
Those puppies are something very special and rarely available a dilute with top quality full pedigree and fully health tested parents.
Call us for more information: +38163268738 (Viber, WhatsApp)...
We have available 2 boys and one girl, 2 months old.
They have the blue gene.
Puppies are wormed, flead, microchipped and vaccinated.
They are ready for new home.
Phone number: +381641263061
Pug kennel NIFFLER's FCI 6794 kennel (International Kennel number) strives to have first and foremost healthy and then quality puppies, with a professional-veterinary approach to dogs and careful selection of breeding dogs.
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Sárkány kazán csíkszeredai üzletábe eladói és adminisztratív munkakörbe keres kolléganőt, aki szeret csapatban dolgozni, de nem okoz problémát az önálló munkavégzés sem.
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