Raktaros Anglia

Raktaros AngliaRaktaros Anglia

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  • Raktaros Anglia
  • Raktaros Anglia
Hirdetés leírás

> This is a program of work in labor unskilled positions as: worker warehouse / forklift trucks (which include activities cargo storage, verification comparative goods and products in stock, moving goods and products in the warehouse, signing of delivery , recording damaged or spoiled goods, selection and packaging for shipping tasks of loading and unloading of cargo and goods) and any other positions refer to this field. Not particularly heavy physical work, everything is automated.
> Requirements:
> - English medium level conversational (will support language tests both national and placement in the UK, even more, each candidate will have direct contact with British partners, in an interview by conference Skype, or program coordinator)
> - Men / women / couples between 18-55 years
> - Experience in a related field is an advantage, but experience is not a yardstick
> - Accept people with good attitude, hard-working, serious, friendly, good physical and mental shape, with good communication skills, organized and who have no health problems.
> Benefits:
> - It provides legal employment contract for an indefinite period
> - The salaries range between 7.20 - £ 9.60 / hour - depending on personal performance and dedication of each candidate
> - The amount of hours worked / week - minimum 37 hours - within 60 hours + overtime (this involves giving each candidate an opportunity to opt for a number of additional hours which round considerably The revenue )
> - We work in shifts day / night / weekend , depending on the position that the partners consider it appropriate to your profile
> - Ability to perform overtime
> - Partners provide you with regimen convention transportation and accommodation, with a cost of £ 6 / day .
> accommodation:
> - Our partners in the UK deals with finding accommodations through a real estate broker (amounting to 60 pounds / week with all the utilities - a price modicum UK) - When you arrive in the UK, you must have to your 400 pounds (120- accommodation 2 weeks, 100 - guarantee against damage, which is returned upon departure if the person stay more than six months, 180- real estate broker that provides living quarters).
> On arrival in the UK framing work / training / testing (unpaid) inte lasts 3 to 5 days, so the first money it will take about 2 weeks. We recommend you carry your personal expenses approximately 100-150 pounds.
> To access this program must sign an agency agreement with us. To do this requires:
> - identity card
> - CV in English
> - Criminal record
> - Proof of service passports do not have to leave the country ban
> medical certificate specification "healthy physically, and mentally fit Clinically to work"
> After signing the mediation are scheduled for interview and if you are accepted, you must show how you will travel in the UK fixed date, at which time you sign the job offer.
Acesta este un program de munca, in domeniul muncii necalificate, pe pozitii ca: lucrator depozit / manipulant marfa, (care includ activitati de depozitare marfa, verificarea comparativa a bunurilor si produselor din stoc, mutarea bunurilor si produselor in depozit, semnarea actelor de livrare, consemnarea bunurilor deteriorate sau stricate, selectarea si ambalarea produselor pentru expediere, sarcini de incarcare si descarcare a marfii si bunurilor) si orice alte pozitii din sfera acestui domeniu de activitate. Nu este munca fizica deosebit de grea, totul fiind automatizat.
- limba engleza nivel mediu conversational (se vor sustine teste de limba atat din tara cat si la plasarea in Marea Britanie, ba chiar mai mult, fiecare candidat va intra in contact direct cu Partenerii britanici, in cadrul unui interviu prin conferinta Skype, sau cu coordonatorul de program)
- barbati/femei/cupluri intre 18-55 ani
- experienta intr-un domeniu asemanator constitue avantaj , insa experienta nu este un criteriu de departajare
- se accepta persoane cu atitudine buna, muncitori, seriosi, prietenosi, in forma fizica si mentala buna, cu bune abilitati de comunicare, organizati si care nu au niciun fel de probleme de sanatate.

- Se ofera contract legal de munca pentru o perioada nedeterminata
- Salarizarea se situeaza intre 7.20 - 9.60 lire/ora - in functie de performantele personale si dedicatia fiecarui candidat
- Cuantumul de ore lucrate /sapt – minim 37 ore – maxim 60 ore + overtime(acest aspect presupune oportunitatea conferita fiecarui candidat de a opta pentru un numar de ore suplimentare care sa ii rotunjeasca in mod considerabil veniturile)
- Se lucreaza in ture de zi / de noapte / de weekend, in functie de pozitia pe care partenerii o considera oportuna profilului dumneavoastra
- Posibilitatea de efectuarea orelor suplimentare
- se lucreaza in regim de "Self- Employed (Gen PFA in Romania)"- timp de 3 luni de proba , timp in care partenerii nostril va vor ajuta sa va deschideti cont bancar si sa va obtineti permisul legal de munca si sedere (National Insurance

Feltöltve 2018-07-01, hirdetés azonosító 5688, megtekinve 1187 alkalommal.

1 ron ~ 1 €

~ 77 forint ~ 1 $

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Címkék raktaros, anglia, raktaros anglia


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