Működő faipari cég telephellyel eladó

Működő faipari cég telephellyel eladóMűködő faipari cég telephellyel eladóMűködő faipari cég telephellyel eladóMűködő faipari cég telephellyel eladóMűködő faipari cég telephellyel eladóMűködő faipari cég telephellyel eladó

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  • Működő faipari cég telephellyel eladó
  • Működő faipari cég telephellyel eladó
  • Működő faipari cég telephellyel eladó
  • Működő faipari cég telephellyel eladó
  • Működő faipari cég telephellyel eladó
  • Működő faipari cég telephellyel eladó
Hirdetés leírás

Industrial property for sale – Plant in the centre of Bázakerettye
with company, valid contracts, work machinery, permits, plants, and storage facilities for finished goods
Classified on the property deed as NON-AGRICULTURAL PLANT AREA within municipality boundaries.... on a 12, 144 m2 enclosed plot.

front part lot no.: xxx (size: 4712 m2),
back part lot no: yyy (size: 7432 m2)

The site currently operates as a sawmill and is equipped with the necessary machines and tools. Goods traffic is along a private road with a separate lot number.
Log splitting plant with compressor and saw blades, storage facility for semi-finished and finished products, modern and new machinery, and a further hall with firewood splitter and board edger. Central heating is provided by a furnace room, which also heats the office in winter. Further storage facilities are available for processing and storing timber.
The plant has its own doctor’s office, with a physician under contract, waiting room, washbasin, and WC. In addition to a kitchen and a changeroom, there are also washrooms and showers for staff. In some areas the external facade, roofing materials, and metal structures have already been modernised. In terms of its basic design, the building is a plant building with solid brick walls and reinforced concrete slab. Premises have concrete or asphalt floors.
The plant is equipped with all services, with industrial power supply. Heating is provided by a mixed-fuel furnace.
The front and back parts can be operated fully independently!
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Description of front part:
Size: 4712 m2, floor area ratio: 30%
01. Level storage area (487 m2),
02. Parking lot (246 m2),
03. Converted sawmill (420 m2),
04. Timber splitting plant (356 m2),
05. Social building (190 m2),
06. Workshop,
07. Office and kitchen
Converted sawmill:
Storage facility (85.11 m2), Pallet production (80.45 m2), Timber splitting (209.17 m2), Storage facility (16.47 m2), Storage facility (29.12 m2),
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Description of back part: Size: 7432 m2, floor area ratio: 30%
Plant area 01 = 289.79 m2,
Plant area 02 = 196.42 m2,
Plant area 03 = 279.5 m2,
Plant area 04 = 33.61 m2,
Plant area 05 = 91.34 m2,
Plant area 06 = 57.39 m2
Other premises = 448.85 m2, First floor = approx. 373 m2. A covered terrace with an area of at least 600 m2 surrounds the plant!

Feltöltve 2025-01-28, hirdetés azonosító 101626, megtekinve 146 alkalommal.

3.770.000 ron ~ 769.388 €

~ 290.000.000 forint ~ 802.128 $

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Meszaros Edina

Hirdető Meszaros Edina

Állapot Használt


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Címkék működő, faipari, cég, telephellyel, eladó, működő faipari cég telephellyel eladó


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